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Praying for the Nations

This week's prayer for the nations will focus on the nation of SAINT LUCIA.

All information was taken from Operation World. Additional information on for this country is here.



Continent: North America

Capital City: Castries

Government: Parliamentary Democracy and a Commonwealth realm

Population: 164,994

Major People Groups: African Caribbean 90%,

Mixed race 6%, South Asian 3.2%, Euro-American 0.8%

Religion: Christian 95.08%, Ethno 1.80%, Non 1.10%, Hindu 0.97%, Muslim 0.50%, other 0.35%, Baha'i 0.20%

Language: English, French Creole

GDP Per Capita: $13,500

Literacy Rate: 90.1%



  • Pray for those exhibiting a semblance of religion to gain true faith in Christ.

  • Pray for great missionary fervor in ministering to the throngs of tourists who visit the island.

  • Pray for the Church to model Christ-like morality and compassion to the massive group of single mothers.

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